Articles about Addiction
Thoughts on Weed Addiction
I grew up watching my Dad deal with a weed addiction. Well, to be more exact, I would secretly watch him and his friends get high. It’s almost ridiculous in retrospect to think he thought I wouldn’t know. As a kid your number one goal at night is to A) stay up later than you’re supposed to and B) spy on your parents lives, out of some combination of boredom and curiosity.
I found his glass art pieces when I was like 11 or 12. Brilliantly, there were in him and my Mom’s bedroom, sitting there behind a chair. What a hiding spot! I didn’t say anything at first, and then later I asked my Mom what they were for. I don’t remember what she said, and at the time I had only this vague notion they were there for smoking. Honestly, they looked liked some funky toy set, I didn’t understand this connection to how you could use them to smoke, as they sure didn’t look anything like a cigarette!
But then I saw him using one of those same pipes on the back porch. I could see from my window when I was supposed to be asleep. One thing led to another, and I started making a game out of this: nearly every night my Dad went out to the back porch and smoked from these pipes.
I suppose I’m making him out to sound like a crack head. No, he’s not a crack head. He holds down a nice middle class job and works his butt off to provide for the family. I know there’s a term for alcoholics who are able to do this – they call them functional alcoholics, and it’s basically the same with my Dad and his marijuana addiction. He’s what you’d call many smoker; functional marijuana addicts. He’s able to live like an adult and a family man, but at the same time, he pretty much, I think at least, has to feed his marijuana addiction, or else he’d start freaking out.
I’m the same age now that he was when I first saw him smoking marijuana on our back porch. I should be one of those people who went into their parents footsteps, but I actually tried smoking weed once and then that was it. It was just too weird, having this mental connection in my brain to this drug and then knowing my Dad was addicted to it and wanted to stop. I didn’t want that to be me.
Be victorious Over Dilaudid addiction
How to resist dilaudid can be quite a challenging endeavor. The drug, otherwise known as hydromorphone, is a narcotic analgesic for severe pain. A physician usually ascertains specific dosage and length of time needed for pain alleviation. Furthermore, chronic pain patients with chronic pain can require dilaudid for the duration of life. Yet, many patients suffering severe pain will only need dilaudid for a brief period so then it will be fairly easy to quit dilaudid.
Dilaudid addiction
However, sometimes fears of addiction can prevent appropriate pain treatment. It’s crucial that a patient understand the distinctions between d abuse and appropriate dosing. Actual addiction, a disease where one abuses to the point of social, mental, or physical self injury, is not the same as genuine need for therapeutic dilaudid dosage. Addiction is actually both an emotional and physiological dependence. The physical component concerns tolerance and withdrawal issues if dilaudid administration is rapidly ceased. The requirement to continuously raise the dosage to maintain its analgesic and other properties is known as tolerance. Strong desires to avoid withdrawal and persistent drug cravings comprises psychological dependence and often leads the person to dilaudid addiction.
When one follows doctor’s orders with respect to your dilaudid prescription, it’s possible to decrease the effects of withdrawal and tolerance. Normally, you will gradually decrease your dose, in order to do this. Every patient should have an individualized targeted medical plan, as each individual has different needs and requirements. Patients shouldn’t try to quickly quit for they can become very ill. True pain patients don’t normally acquire a psychological dependence. Yet some of these folks must continue to take dilaudid to maintain a reasonable quality of life. It’s sad, though, that those who no longer need the dilaudid but who do become addicted—why, their lives become centered around acquiring and taking dilaudid. When this is the case, in order to avoid further self-injury and/or criminal consequences, a person is best advised to seek professional medical intervention assistance.
Be victorious Over Dilaudid addiction
Medical help for dilaudid addiction can come in the form of opiate addiction treatment. If you need help this is the way to go because first of all you can count on being safe from further drug use there. You can also count on being medically detoxed from dilaudid by a crew of medical assistants. In most cases they will use suboxone to help ease your dilaudid withdrawal. There will be other addicts there just like yourself so you should be rather comfortable for the most part. This type of opiate detox will be over before you know it as a matter of fact in less than 5 days. Then you can start a new life drug free but I would have an after care plan in place to ensure that I stayed clean when I left rehab.